Cattle & Horses
Cattle on the ranches number between 2,000 - 3,000 head, depending upon pasture conditions. For the most part they are crossbred cows with the base breed being Angus. There is one herd of straight-bred Angus cows, from which we raise bulls for the rest of the ranches, and we are using some Braford bulls. Mother cows make up the base of the operation, but they will occasionally run yearlings, too. We retain ownership in our calves after weaning and also purchase outside stockers to run on our winter wheat.
Horses are the only way to work the cattle on the Bogle ranches. The terrain, especially on the Turkey Track, is too rough for any kind of motorized device. Hal Bogle’s first Quarter Horse stallion was a horse named Bogle. Foaled in 1939, he was by San Siemon and was brought to the ranch by world champion cowboy Bob Crosby of Roswell. Bogle was followed by such sires as Midnight Red B by Midnight, Flashy Waggoner by Waggoner Snip, and others whose bloodlines go back to King, Old Sorrel, Begger Boy (TB), Red Buck, Chicaro Bill, Redman and Little Joe. In later years we used Jet Twist Deck by Easy Jet and Peppy Motor Scooter by Mr San Peppy. Many of these sires are still reflected in the bloodlines of the ranch’s broodmares.
With the exception of an occasional stallion prospect, the colts are all gelded and placed into the ranch remuda for the cowboys to ride. The better fillies are returned to the broodmare band, and the others are sold. We try to keep our mares on decent pastures, but they are also supplemented throughout the year, and, of course, wormed and vaccinated. The breeding horses are all located at the Four Lakes.
Bogle LTD was the previous owners of the UFO 1947 Crash Site.
Headquartered at Dexter, New Mexico, a small town just south of Roswell, the estate is made up of two separate ranches plus a farming operation and a feedlot. Stuart manages the Turkey Track, which runs from the Pecos River east about 30 miles. Scott takes care of the Four Lakes Ranch, a 50-section (32,000 acres) operation between the towns of Caprock and Tatum. All two ranches are cow/calf operations. The ranches’ broodmares are primarily on the Turkey Track and the Four Lakes.
In 1891, Minnie H. Gibson deeded this land to: The Felix Land and Cattle Co. as secretary of this company. Hal’s family moved to the Felix Ranch in 1931 and it was Hal Bogle’s personal and legal residence for the rest of his life. In 1936 he purchased the Four Lakes Ranch, 10 miles west of Tatum, NM and also bought some Southeast Missouri cut-over timber land in the boot heel of Missouri. Stuart, Donald, Scott, Martin and Aaron Bogle manage the three ranching operations in NM.
Hay & Feed
Scott and Martin Bogle run a forage harvesting company called B&B Choppers. Martin and Aaron Bogle operate AM Baling. Each year, when the different harvesting seasons are upon us, we head out into the field to harvest and pack silage so that it can get to local farms throughout the Pecos Valley.